Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Garden of Wonderland, a journey of self discovery

I originally began my senior thesis with the intention of creating a series of psychological portraits in which I interviewed my subjects.  In the attempt to get to know a variety of individuals for who they truly are, I was pushed in a direction of better understanding myself.  Leonardo Da Vinci once wrote “The acquisition of any knowledge whatever is always useful to the intellect, for nothing can be either loved or hated until it is first known.”  I believe in this statement, which led me to realize that without understanding myself, I couldn’t truly understand others.

 I have redirected my series into a journey of self-discovery through the process of painting.  The final pieces are simply the destination, while for me the most relevant moments occurred during the process.  I have always looked to painting as a form of therapy.  In the past my work has evolved into a final product through a series of therapeutic brush strokes.  In this series I have used the process of painting to slow down my mind and take the time to focus on who I truly am and to organize the chaos that lives in my mind. 

Through this journey I have learned how my relationships with others affect both myself and whoever else is involved.  I have learned how I love, and most importantly that whether I am at fault or where I err, these are undeniable parts of who I am and how my character is portrayed.  I have learned to accept and own my thoughts, and that where in the past I have attempted to change myself, I am now working towards changing myself back.  I am not perfect and my paintings are no different, this is who I am and what I do.



'The Hare'

'White Rabbit' 

Friday, April 20, 2012

One of the pieces for my Thesis, still in progress, but close to finished...
The 2 below are also both part of the series... all are 4x3 feet oil on panel.. enjoy!!

The pieces in progress in my studio, almost done!!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Senior Thesis exhibition is coming up... have 3 more to finish.. this isn't yet done however, my artistic journey of self discovery is proving to be a good one.  Painting myself has always been a scary thing to think about, but I'm starting to like it a little too much... This is a close up of one of them, and a few more to come!